“Be The Change You Want To See In The World”
“Be The Change You Want To See In The World” – Gandhi
In the last couple of days, many friends have reached out asking how they can help the black community.
Step One: LISTEN!
Step Two: BELIEVE!
Step Three: ACT!
Step Four: PRACTICE INCLUSION: “the act of including : the state of being included.” - Merriam-Webster
I SEE YOU listening to our cries for change – THANK YOU!
I SEE YOU speaking out – THANK YOU!
I SEE YOU protesting our unified call for change – THANK YOU!
BUT… Now the true work begins! NOW is the time to look inward and examine our daily lives (even in quarantine) and determine how truly inclusive we are! What are you personally doing to deeply commit to BE THE CHANGE you are protesting about?!
Social circles?
Work environments?
And how can you make these environments more inclusive?!
This is a complex question that will hopefully spark a conversation for change. And I know that today we will not be able solve the complexities of systemic racism in our society – for this fight “is a marathon, not a sprint.”
So… TODAY… let’s do our part to chip away at this question as I pose a step that we can ALL take to start the process toward building a more inclusive community!
Practicing Inclusion can literally start with just saying “HELLO” and engaging in conversation with people who are “different” from yourself! This one step is one step closer to a more inclusive world – both in work and social life – which in turn can build a stronger community.
I believe that together WE CAN DO BETTER! And I have hope that TOGETHER … WE WILL DO BETTER and WE WILL CHANGE THE WORLD … as a nation and as a global community!
Today and forever, I pledge to be more inclusive in my daily life and I encourage you to do the same because remember that…
TOGETHER we are stronger!
TOGETHER we can make a difference!
#JusticeForAll #BlackLivesMatter
Nicole Pryor Dernersesian
Executive Director, Inclusion Media Group